Events at Kathleen's Barn
Inipi Lodge at Kathleen's Barn
Somatic Studios at Kathleen's Barn
Services at Kathleen's Barn
Maps and Directions to Kathleen's Barn
Barn Rental at Kathleen's Barn
House Rental at Kathleen's Barn
Massage by Moving Touch Therapy at Kathleen's Barn
Location Scouting at Kathleen's Barn

Where is Kathleen's Barn?

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Once you're Close...

See sign on 9G for Tivoli businesses and Gallagher's restaurant/bar, turn onto Broadway leading into the Village of Tivoli. Kathleen's Barn is #33 Broadway (see number on fencepost), 4/10th of a mile down Broadway, last house on right at the bottom of the hill before you cross the stone bridge. If you go into the Village, you've gone too far. Welcome...

Directions by Transport

By Car
By Train
From JFK
From LaGuardia
From Albany Int'l Airport
From Stewart Int'l Airport

By Car

Go over the George Washington Bridge, immediately turn right off the Bridge onto The Palisades Parkway going North. Take the NYS Thruway, North to Albany exit, (exit number 9W, not to be confused with Rt. 9W). Stay on the Thruway for appox 1 hour, pass Plattekill Rest Stop. Take the Kingston/Rhinecliff Bridge exit, (17 miles past the New Paltz exit). Go thru the toll and come immediately to a traffic circle, stay to your right, going through a traffic light onto RT.28, (Ford Dealership on your right). Take your immediate first exit, Rt. 209, Kingston Rhinecliff Bridge. Rt. 209 takes you over the bridge. Go thru one light. At second light, turn left, North, onto Rt. 9G. Pass Bard College on your left. Approx 2 miles after Bard, see sign for Tivoli businesses and Gallagher's restaurant/bar on right. Turn left onto Broadway leading into the Village of Tivoli. Kathleen's Barn is #33 Broadway (see number on fencepost), 4/10th of a mile down Broadway, last house on right at the bottom of the hill before you cross the stone bridge. If you go into the Village, you've gone too far. Welcome...

By Train

From Penn Station to the Rhinecliff Station, take left from station and follow into Rhinebeck. Turn left at light onto Rte 9 North, until intersection with Rte 9G. Then take 9G North and pass Bard College on left. Another two miles you will pass "Kidd Lane" and "Clay Hill" roads on the left, and on the right see the sign with Tivoli Businesses and Gallaghers, turn left onto Broadway into Tivoli. Kathleen's Barn is at 33 Broadway (number on fencepost) last house on the right before you cross the stone bridge. For train details, visit Amtrak:

From JFK:

Follow 678/Van Wyck North to 87/Grand Central Parkway (then follow directions from LaGuardia Airport).

From LaGuardia:

Follow 87/Major Deegan West/North out of NYC to the Sprain Brook Parkway. Continue on Sprain Brook to the Taconic Parkway. Take the Taconic north through Putnam to Dutchess County (over 80 miles). Take the Rte 199 exit for Red Hook/Rhinebeck/Pine Plains (5 miles after the exit for 19) and turn left (West) on 199. Drive straight through intersection in Red Hook and continue up hill and then down to T intersection with Rte 9-G. Take that right turn (North) onto Rte 9-G North and pass Bard College on left. Another two miles you will pass "Kidd Lane" and "Clay Hill" roads on the left, and on the right see the sign with Tivoli Businesses and Gallaghers, turn left onto Broadway into Tivoli. Kathleen's Barn is at 33 Broadway (number on fencepost) last house on the right before you cross the stone bridge.

From Albany International Airport:

Turn left out of the airport and take 155 to the Thruway (87 South) and continue to follow signs for 87 South. Take the Thruway to Exit 19 — Kingston / Pine Hill. Stay right (28 North) at the rotary. Go through traffic light and immediately take 1st exit 299 to the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge. Cross the river, at the second light go left onto Rte 9-G North and pass Bard College on left. Another two miles you will pass "Kidd Lane" and "Clay Hill" roads on the left, and on the right see the sign with Tivoli Businesses and Gallaghers, turn left onto Broadway into Tivoli. Kathleen's Barn is at 33 Broadway (number on fencepost) last house on the right before you cross the stone bridge.

From Stewart International Airport:

Take 207 East to the Thruway / 87, North to Exit 19 — Kingston / Pine Hill. Stay right (28 North) at the rotary. Go through traffic light and immediately take 1st exit 299 to the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge. Cross the river, at the second light go left onto Rte 9-G North and pass Bard College on left. Another two miles you will pass "Kidd Lane" and "Clay Hill" roads on the left, and on the right see the sign with Tivoli Businesses and Gallaghers, turn left onto Broadway into Tivoli. Kathleen's Barn is at 33 Broadway (number on fencepost) last house on the right before you cross the stone bridge.

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